For more than 100 years, our commitment and involvement in the community has been an important part of the way we do business. We’re proud to support our local organizations, area schools and our community activities. It’s our way of saying thank you for allowing us to be your neighbor. We call it KCTC Helping Hands.
As a company policy, KCTC employees are offered up to 3 days a year for volunteer efforts in and around our community. Team members are encouraged to get involved in their communities by lending their voluntary support to programs that enrich the quality of life and opportunities for all citizens.
The following is a sampling of some of the community
contributions made by KCTC:
Community Memberships
- Kalona Chamber of Commerce (Board Member)
- TPM (Tourism, Promotion and Marketing) Steering Committee
- Kalona Rotary Club
State/National Memberships
- NTCA (National Telecommunications Cooperative Association)
- NCTC (National Cable Television Cooperative, Inc.)
- Iowa Communication Alliance
Community Events/Sponsorships
- Fall Festival
- Kalona Days
- Christmas in Kalona
- Technology Day at Iowa Mennonite School
- Quarterly Technology Education Classes
- M-P School District – Sponsorships
- Kalona Elementary Boosters
- Local Area Churches

Family outdoor movie nights are a common event that KCTC provides to our community throughout the year as a fun event for families to enjoy together. Popcorn Provided!
KCTC staff enjoy wearing jeans on Fridays for a small weekly donation of $1, this fund is then used to fill an existing need that is currently being felt by one of our many local organizations. Pictured here is Casey Peck, General Manager with a donation of a large flat screen TV to a local adult care facility.

City celebrations are a perfect opportunity for KCTC to see and interact with the many faces of our community. We love thinking of clever float ideas and handing out candy and items for the kids to enjoy.
Kalona Historical Village was recently the recipient of a laptop donation to assist them with upgrading their existing technology. With this new computer, a new website has been built as well as modernizing many record keeping tasks.

As technology evolves KCTC is committed to providing support to the organization and folks who have made these communities what they are. KCTC provides classes and lunch events where elderly community members can learn about new online resources and ways to communicate with their loved ones.
KCTC is a proud supporter of Kalona Chamber of Commerce’s annual State Fair booth by providing employees to help staff the event where thousands of visitors can view and purchase the various products and food that Kalona has to offer

Every year, in partnership with HACAP the Angel Tree is displayed at KCTC with numerous tags that list an individual or family that needs a little assistance making the holidays special. Staff and others in the community can claim a tag to fulfill and provide a gift in order to ensure that everyone in Washington County has a happy holidays.
Jeremy Gugel spent a volunteer day the Elements Youth Center packing up and moving the organization to its temporary location while the building gets new updates & renovations.
Local School Support
KCTC understands the important role that technology will play for future generations and has committed itself to be a reliable resource for support for our schools. Along with an annual “Exceptional Student” program where students are presented with weekly prize money for exceptionally graded papers, KCTC participates in countless activities and events that help our schools provide an award winning educational experience.

We welcome the opportunity to learn new ways we can become involved. If you wish to inquire about KCTC involvement in your community event or activity, please email us at: