Rory White
Rory and his wife have 2 daughters. He moved to Iowa from Minnesota at 15 years old and left just weeks after graduation to join the United States Air Force where he served honorably for 8 years before moving back to the community he loves.
Rory’s position in Marketing at KCTC for over 12 years, provides numerous opportunities to support local organizations, non-profits, and schools. “I’m fortunate to have built so many lasting relationships through these activities and proud of what we all have accomplished together.”, he says.
Rory helps inform the KCTC serving areas of the amazing products and services available to them either as a current member or non-members who are in new areas where KCTC service is available. He loves every opportunity to be creative in the wide variety of projects and events he takes part in.
When asked why someone would want KCTC as a provider, Rory stated, “KCTC provides something completely unique for communication and entertainment services, a community owned organization that values personal and responsive service. KCTC can respond to members needs in a way that no other provider can.”
Passionate is understating how Rory operates, outside of KCTC he enjoys being a “Maker” of all sorts. Leatherworking, woodworking, drawing, drums, guitar, & many other areas that he is proficient in. “Depends on what has my creativity sparked at the moment.”
His biggest accomplishment has been receiving the Smart Rural Community Showcase Award. “A great deal of effort had been made by past and present employees of KCTC to provide a state-of-the-art network possible, I am very proud I could help shine a light on such an achievement.”
Something you may not have known about Rory is he lived in Kaiserslautern, Germany and Song-ton, S. Korea for several years prior to moving back to Iowa.