Signs That a Hard Drive is Failing.

This depends a lot on which type of hard drive that your computer has installed. More often than not this will occur with a HDD (hard disk drive), but can happen on other types of hard drives as well. Examples of certain signs to look out for- -When your computer...

What is the Microsoft Malware Pop-Up?

  When this occurs, do not call the number on the screen. This is not Microsoft doing this. It often occurs when you click on a corrupted link in the browser or in your email.You can hit Ctrl+Alt+Del, and that will bring up a menu. Next, select the task manager...

Features of Windows 11

With Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 on October 14th, 2025, knowing what to expect with Windows 11 before that date will help make the switch easier. The Windows 11 UI looks different from what you may be used to with Windows 10, but many of the prominent...

What is Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is when someone, often with malicious intent, impersonates a business or important person in hopes of gaining personal information. They try to influence a person’s emotions by making the message seem urgent to catch their attention. They also...

Importance of Keeping Devices Up to Date

Updating your devices, whether it is your computer, smartphone, or any other smart devices, is recommended in order for the devices to receive critical security updates. The more out of date your device is, the more insecure it becomes, making it easier for someone to...

Disabling and Enabling Tasks Via Task Manager

There are a few different ways to open up the task manager. You can click the Windows key and simply search “task manager”. Press the Windows Key+ R Key which will open the run command, after that is open type in “taskmgr” which will open task...